The Social Gift of Language

Fostering meaningful connections through the Power of Play and the Magic of Stories


Apperance on The Voice of Early Childhood Podcast

Appearance on the Jigsaw Early Years Consultancy podcast

Bedtime Stories

The sharing of stories holds a kind of magic that can deepen connections, open new worlds, take you on adventures, and make you feel loved and comforted, even when the world weighs heavy on your shoulders.

What if we could awaken a deep love of reading in our children because of the association they have with being read to?

So, are you snuggled in tight?

Have you got your favourite cuddly?

Great, then let's go ❤️


My Tree and Me

I am a Tiger

Giraffes Can't Dance

The Night Before Christmas


WOW! said the owl

The Snail and the Whale

Max at Night


Peace at last

The Invisible String

The Runaway Dinner